Steve Englehart


will return December 1
The Pro-Team™

Max August™, The Point Man™, The Long Man™, The Plain Man™, The Arena Man™, Coyote™, Scorpio Rose™, The Djinn™, Roulette™, Slash™, Lorelei™, X-Caliber™, and Rustle's Christmas Adventure™ are ©2025 Steve Englehart. Art for Rustle's Christmas Adventure™ is ©2025 Joe Staton. The DNAgers™ is ©2025 Steve and Terry Englehart. Proton-Man™, Immuna™, Protonica™, and Dr Protonic™ are  ©2025 Steve Englehart and Mike Jaszewski. The Pro-Team™, Pro-Tonya™, Pro-Portia™, Pro-Jenny™, Pro-Moe™, and Prometheus™ are ©2025 Steve Englehart and Mike Jaszewski. All other copyrighted characters are © their respective owners.

email enevelope email me! I'd love to hear from you!